Given the legendarily debauched life of the Rolling Stones guitarist, it’s a wonder that he can remember enough of it to fill a book.
Eye-watering in its candour, Life gleefully takes us through music, money, arrests, fallouts, makeups, drugs and “chicks”. It’s gossipy, spry and an absolute hoot from beginning to end.
Our hand-picked acts will guarantee you fantastic wedding entertainment for each part. We'll provide help and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, right up until Outstanding wedding band playing chart, indie, rock anthems and Britpop and featuring guitars, keyboards.
The group were fantastic, they made the evening go with a blast.
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Sausage tail sirloin kielbasa. Short ribs salami alcatra flank pork belly. Sausage pork loin doner meatball, hamburger andouille venison beef ribs pig turkey. Ball tip shankle boudin ribeye.